Be Yourself, Please

This picture is from Second Life. It is my avatar Mariposa Psaltery.

Every day when the sun sets there is a festival that goes on. It’s for the sun that goes to bed and the moon that rises. Fairies come out to dance. Music is played. There is an array of color. It’s a beautiful thing to see. So, if you are out at that time, don’t forget to join in the festivities. 

Now, you might be wondering why I shared that little bit of news. Well, it’s because of what I see at this festival. Fairies of all colors come together to dance, to celebrate. There is no separation. All are included.

We tell people to be themselves until they start being themselves. 

Once their clothes, hair, body, face, etc changes they no longer fit into our box of who they are or what we want them to be.

“If you are a man, certain things should not be worn, etc.”

 “Don’t wear a dress or makeup.”

“Nail polish is a no.”

“Anything feminine is also a no.”

“If you are a woman, certain things should not be worn or said.”

“Don’t wear a necktie or swear.”

“No boxers either.”

And after you have decided the correct boxes for everyone I have something I’d like to say.

Who decided that only certain things were for men and certain things were for women?

What about those that are neither? Or what if they identify in multiple boxes?

When we start putting people in labeled boxes we come to a problem. Not everyone fits nicely into the boxes. Not every category fits with the boxes.

I don’t want to put people in boxes. I want them to be free to be themselves.


If they want to be labeled that’s fine.

If not, that’s fine.

If they want to have pink hair, gothic makeup, rainbow colored clothes, etc. I don’t give a shit.

Let them be themselves especially when “themselves” is different than you thought they would be.

Join them in their flamboyant flare. Don’t exclude them. Include them.

 And if you see fairies, tell them I said hello.

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