
My family is white. And black. And every tint and shade in between.

My family is straight. And gay. And bi. And pan. And a.

My family is sis. And trans. And non.

My family is Christian. And Muslim. And Pagan. And Atheist.

My family is old and young. Male, female, fluid, and none. They are rich and poor. Powerful and unknown. Popular and recluse.

When one of my family members has a need or is in pain or distress, it matters to me, because we are family.

Some of my family shun or ignore those they don’t like or who don’t follow their orders and believe their claims. And that makes me sad. We’re all family, after all. And if family doesn’t respect and look out for each other, we might as well be strangers.

Some day you might desperately need help from a member of your family you’ve left to die. And I hope when that happens, they show you the same love you should be showing them today.

So let’s forget about race, about sexual orientation, about gender identity, about beliefs in supernatural claims. Let’s forget about financial or social class, level of education, or good or regretful life choices.

We’re all in this together, and we must act like it if we are to ease the divide and live in harmony and peace. So love your neighbor as yourself and treat your Earth family like family should. And let’s make this world the beautiful place we’ll be proud to leave to the generations to come!

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