The “A” in LGBTQIA+

The “A” in LGBTQIA+ is used to represent those who are asexual, or sometimes agender, and is might be used to include those who are allies.

Being asexual means different things to different people. Some have very little sexual attraction or none at all. They may, however, still experience other types of attraction. They might desire a romantic relationship with someone. They might enjoy cuddling and kissing. And they might form a strong emotional bond with another.

Others do experience sexual attraction but only in certain circumstances. Perhaps only when they have a deep connection with someone (also called demisexual).

They might have a sexual desire or libido, just without the sexual attraction. So masturbation or sex might be something they enjoy, just without significant sexual attraction, or sexual attraction only under limited circumstances.

Others have little or no sexual desire, and thus may not enjoy any type of sexual activity at all.

Regardless of where someone, perhaps you, might be on this spectrum, there’s nothing wrong with you. You don’t need to be fixed, because you’re not broken.

Unlike a fear of intimacy, a loss of a previously-existing libido, sexual repression or aversion, or sexual dysfunction, there is no medical or emotional condition that needs to be addressed. You’re born that way, and that’s just fine.

It’s easy for us to develop the mindset that things need to remain the same, and if they don’t, something is wrong. But attractions can be fluid. You might have had certain attractions at some point in your life and not have them today. Or didn’t have them in the past, but now you do. You might even find such changes in a short period of time, maybe even day to day.

And that is one of the many limits of labels. We can change, sometimes without rhyme or reason, and that’s okay. You be you. Wear a label if you think it suits you and you want it. But don’t let labels define you. And feel free to discard it if it no longer suits you. The label is there to serve you if you want it. It’s not your master, and you are not under its power.

Be you. Be real. And be free.

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