The “B” in LGBTQIA+ stands for Bisexual. A lot of people, even those in the queer community, don’t understand bisexuality. In fact, some don’t even believe it’s a genuine sexual orientation. Some say it’s a temporary phase, a transition while the person realizes they’re homosexual. “But bisexuality is a real identity, and those who identify as bi are a little tired of being misunderstood.”1
Of course. No one likes being misunderstood. We may wish others would see us as we really are, not as they imagine us to be, at least in some ways. We want to be seen and accepted as we are, not mislabeled and judged based on the imaginary version of us they have in their heads.

When there’s something we don’t understand, it’s normal and natural for us to try to define it. Simplify it. Connect it with our current understanding of the world around us. And we’re wired to take mental shortcuts. It can take conscious effort to question our own conclusions, our own understanding, and truly understand things from another’s point of view. From their life experiences. From their own desires and internal universe.
Each person is unique. None of us fit in completely with anyone else’s definitions, and we shouldn’t try. So we encourage you to not try to fit into anyone’s box (no anatomical puns intended). Instead, just be you. You like what you like. You love who you love. And you are amazing and perfect just the way you are.

Bisexuals experience sexual and/or romantic attraction to people of more than one gender. White the prefix “bi” means “two,” this does not mean someone who is bisexual can be attracted to only males or females. A person can identify as bisexual and find persons of more than the binary attractive. They might be attracted to more than just cis-male and cis-female but not identify as pansexual (see the coming article titled The “+” in LGBTQIA+).