The Moral Argument

All people have an instinctive sense of what is right and wrong. Even remote tribes which have limited contact with the outside world still have a sense of morality.

Because all people have this sense of what is right and wrong, such a sense must have come from someone or something outside ourselves. While it’s true that countless species throughout the animal kingdom display various types of morality, and that of our closest relatives, such as the bonobos, is very similar to our own, this is only proof that some greater being gave it to them.

Some would say empathy affords a reproductive advantage for both individuals and the community as a whole, resulting in genes that care enough to work with others being passed along; but this does not support the point we’re trying to make, so we’re going to totally ignore it regardless of the fact it’s probably true.

Instead, morality has to come from some one who isn’t human and is better than humans, thus morality comes from Tinkerbell. Hindus, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, and Atheists, even if they refuse to admit it even to themselves, all believe in fairies. The fact that they share similar moral values is proof of that indisputable fact.

Any nation ruled by people who don’t believe in fairies falls into wicked depravity. They rape, kill, steal, and eat babies. Hitler’s mind was so twisted that he didn’t believe in fairies, and we can all see how that turned out.

Without Tinkerbell, no good moral code can exist. Case closed.


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